A Computer Programmer Prepares For Death

“A Protocol for Dying”:

Time for my last article. I could probably write more, yet there are times for everything and after this, my attention will be focused on the most comfortable position for my bed, the schedule for pain killers, and the people around me.


And so I’m proud of my real work, which has been for decades, to talk with people, listen and exchange knowledge, and then synthesize this and provide it on for others. I’ll take whatever credit people want to give me for being creative, brilliant, etc. Yet the models and theories I’ve shaped and documented are consistently drawn from real-life experience with other people.

Thank you, my friends, for that. When I say “I love you” it’s not some gesture. You literally kept me fed, professionally and intellectually.

So I wanted to document one last model, which is how to die, given some upfront knowledge and time. I’m not going to write an RFC this time. 🙂



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