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Neil Gaiman

Sci-fi and Fantasy Movie and Series Reviews, Part 2

Spoilers, etc. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann A completely bonkers coming-of-age mecha anime, with all those extreme perspective shots and everything gets bigger and bigger. Similar to FLCL, but there’s an actual story and there’s no annoying music constantly playing. Pandorum Interesting premise and monster origin, though I didn’t think the monster’s “design” was inspiring, merely Sci-fi and Fantasy Movie and Series Reviews, Part 2

Photo: That’s Great

From page 415 of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods (10th Anniversary edition, Author’s Preferred Text).

Bug Cleaning

From Neil Gaiman’s American Gods: A sad cockroach lay on its back in the middle of the tiled floor. Shadow took a towel and cleaned off the inside of the tub with it, then ran the water. Besides being in the same paragraph, there’s nothing syntactically linking the cockroach to the “it” in the second Bug Cleaning

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 7

I made a silly video of a polar bear “dancing” to a Meshuggah song. Ed links to an interesting article about the HTML5 canvas tag and a possible use/misuse to track client-side activity. We something of an ongoing discussion on how to resolve it (somewhat) with user-defined javascripting. Germany government might revert to typewriters for Links of Possible Relevance, Part 7