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Month: May 2012

You’re Not an Idiot If You Answer Some of These Questions Wrong

Forbes posted yesterday about “10 brainteasers to test your mental sharpness”. Most of the riddles were the trick/”false premise” type of questions with crucial information that tend to sneak by the testee. Riddles like these focus on ambiguities of language rather than actual problem-solving. When we hear a riddle or problem we tend to pick You’re Not an Idiot If You Answer Some of These Questions Wrong

Recipe: No-Bake Primal Energy Bites

Ingredients 1 cup chopped nut(s) (almonds, walnuts, etc.) 1/2 cup nut butter (almond, walnut, etc.) 1/3 cup raw honey 1 cup coconut flakes (unsweetened) 1/2 cup flaxseed 1/2 cup cacao/carob (powdered or chopped, unsweetened) 1 tsp salt 2 tsp vanilla 2 tsp cinnamon Directions 1. Throw everything into a bowl and mix (hands are best) Recipe: No-Bake Primal Energy Bites

Correction: Abraham Vs. Aristotle

In reading my last post I noticed I made a subtle but fatal error. I said that atheists and skeptics have an epistemological apparatus that can apprehend supernatural things. While I think this is true it is only acceptable—according to the state of philosophy as I know it—if the actor is a supernaturalist to begin Correction: Abraham Vs. Aristotle

Abraham Vs. Aristotle

I’ve been reading one guy here and another guy here and here. They talk about Hebrew/Middle Eastern (H/ME) epistemology, the existence of which I and most other Christians are aware and utilize under different names and applications. H/ME relies heavily on revelatory knowledge—our radar aimed at the metaphysical or supernatural—as a legitimate form of knowing Abraham Vs. Aristotle