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Month: March 2013

A Post About Urinating

Below is something I wrote in an email to a friend, and I guess it’s something that I think the world at large needs to read. I apologize for the crassness. About the piss: I was typing my response e-mail and stood up to do something mundane, then I had an additional thought and found A Post About Urinating

E-Chapbooks and Prison

From a correspondence with Matt, who runs Safety Third Enterprises: The other day a friend of mine let me see the “chapbooks” his students made. He teaches English lit at a prison. The rules were books could only be put together through found items at the jail. What was done and written in the books E-Chapbooks and Prison

Why Are All The Popes So Frigging Old?

The official answer, as in Catholic church code “official” answer, is as unsalacious as it comes: 47 years of some sort of church officialdom needs to be in the can before the smoke de blanco can rise for thee (source, sort of). Jose Canseco, the final word on all things church leadership, sagely offered on Why Are All The Popes So Frigging Old?

Electric Rabbit Chasing

It’s excerpts like this that made me a Bradbury fan: The lights came on. I blinked. For I saw the entire unholy thing. There it was, laid out for me under the drizzling rain. The lights came on. The men quickened, turned, gathered, and we with them. A mechanical rabbit popped out of a little Electric Rabbit Chasing