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Month: February 2015

Book Review: The Ghost Box

The Ghost Box is Mike Duran’s third full novel, about Reagan Moon, a journalist of the paranormal who gets caught up, to put it mildly, in some otherwordly happenings in SoCal. I don’t dabble too much in modern science fiction or paranormal (see below), so I can only really competently comment on Moon’s first person Book Review: The Ghost Box

Net Neutrality is a Bad Idea

I normally pay no attention to legislative news because, as Michael Corleone said, politics and crime are the same thing. Inordinately fixating on the schemes of social deviants does not reside in the realm of the sane. But since the issue of net neutrality has some personal impact as a software engineer, I have some Net Neutrality is a Bad Idea

The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People – Pale Blue Scratch Email Newsletter #2

“Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your art.” -Gustave Flaubert The protagonist of Pale Blue Scratch, Elisabeth, is known by her colleagues to be a bit of a impulsive decision-maker. This trait is somewhat at odds with her vocation as a professor, journalist, and member The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People – Pale Blue Scratch Email Newsletter #2