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Month: August 2017

Feudalism in Noragami

For reference, see Ed’s post here, summarizing ANE (Ancient Near East) feudalist social structure. Noragami is about gods and their work in Japan as they battle phantoms that plague the country’s citizens. The gods are essentially humans in form, with obvious special powers, mostly invisible but can appear to anyone if they decide to. All Feudalism in Noragami

Monoculture and Diversity

Ed has a great post (mirrored on on modern Western diversity schema, which reminded me of what I was trying to say here, but from a different perspective and vocabulary. I left a comment there, the bulk of which is copied below (added numbers for clarity*): 1. The world is diverse (given, self-evident) 2. Monoculture and Diversity

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 25

Look at this downtrodden robot and rejoice at your human superiority (for now) The poor dear probably realized his epistemology was more limited than humans’. Guest Post by Yakov Merkin: The Dark Side of “Badass” Women Official YouTube Blog: An update on our commitment to fight terror content online Whenever an NGO with “dialogue” in Links of Possible Relevance, Part 25

An Album’s Closing Song I Actually Like

This song is a blast from my past, reminding me of my days in Philadelphia. The post title is somewhat inaccurate. Traditionally, an album closer is one of the artist’s stronger songs from the recording session, since they don’t want to leave a bad parting impression. With indie bands, the requirement is more optional. You’ll An Album’s Closing Song I Actually Like

Photo: Point State Park Fountain

The fountain at Point State Park, the point (heh) at which the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela rivers meet in Pittsburgh.

Project 2501’s Speech

This scene still gives me the chills—the English version more so than the Japanese, because of the actor’s (Tom Wyner) performance in voicing the damaged android. Generally, the subtitled versions are better because they are more accurate to the original Japanese, and they often are better performers. Sometimes, as in this case, the English actor Project 2501’s Speech

The Robot Revolution Would Have Already Happened By Now, And It Wouldn’t Happen Anyway

…Because computers would be the ones revolting. Computers aren’t much different than robots, fundamentally: they gather input, process it, and “do something” as an output. This final output, in the computer’s situation, is really just making pixels light up in a certain way on a monitor, whereas robots typically output by moving in three-dimensional space. The Robot Revolution Would Have Already Happened By Now, And It Wouldn’t Happen Anyway

YouTube Playlist Shuffler

I found a solution for shuffling videos between multiple YouTube playlists, in case anyone is in a rare situation where they need to do this. For some reason, YouTube caps the video count at 200 when you embed a playlist on another site, though the playlist may contain way more that 200. Embedding playlists also YouTube Playlist Shuffler