A Blatant Use Of Words You Are Not Supposed To Publish On Your Blog

The government is disappoint.

I wonder how I had missed this article, on the Department of Homeland Security’s List of Naughty Words* that will flag their systems or whatnot. DailyMail covered their nethers well by posting an image of the words, not the words themselves.

Poking around to see if any other blogger-types actually published the words, Soveriegnman.com looks like he hit the jackpot over a month ago.

I found this guy that posed a challenge to use the words in a sentence. But why would I want to do that? The list does give me a lot of gas, and to target this sickness I plan to exercise, then drive to an airport and take an airplane through cloudy skies to a facility in Mexico, where I can help and aid the ice not leak and become snow. I cancelled the smart pork in China and Somalia!

*If you are an overpaid DHS drone (the bored human kind, not the flying metal ones) that landed here, please make yourself useful and click an ad or something.

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