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Pale Blue Scratch

New Book Links and an Album

Item 1: I have new links to donwload Pale Blue Scratch and Bored in the Breakroom on the About + Books + Subscribe page for free. A few more online retailers. Item 2: My friend Graham, under the name Silent Music, put out a new album, called Taciturn Headphonetics. I have no idea how to New Book Links and an Album

Lynnette Got Scratched!

Here’s Lynnette with a copy of Pale Blue Scratch. Print books are life. Send a photo of you with the book, or just a photo of the book, send it to me, and I will post it here. Here’s the paperback, but you can also send a photo of the free e-book version on your Lynnette Got Scratched!

Kate Got Scratched!

Kate sent me this photo of Pale Blue Scratch, Juniper, and Juniper’s formidable whiskers.

Photos: The Cathedral of Learning

Some photos I took of the Cathedral of Learning a few years ago. It was inspiration for the de Sales College building from Pale Blue Scratch.

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 41

Y2K Music Curse Good article about the realities of signing onto a traditional record label. tl;dr version: artists need to pay everything back. It’s especially hard when you are a metal band trying to nudge your way into the already-limited fanbase, which is what I went through in the bands I was involved with in Links of Possible Relevance, Part 41

Interview Up at Diary of Difference

In addition to the Pale Blue Scratch review, Ivana also did an interview with me, about the book, writing in general, and a new book I’m working on (!!!): Where did you get your idea for Pale Blue Scratch? I was toying with the premise of an odd couple-type pair of sleuths trying to track Interview Up at Diary of Difference

Pale Blue Scratch Book Review

Ivana over at the Diary of Difference blog reviewed Pale Blue Scratch: I was lucky enough to be approached by Jay DiNitto himself, and he sent me a copy of his first novel – Pale Blue Scratch (you can read the e-book for free here) in exchange for an honest review. This is a book Pale Blue Scratch Book Review

Pale Blue Scratch Ebook Now Free

I made the Pale Blue Scratch ebook free for download over at Smashwords, and removed it from the Kindle store. Amazon doesn’t give the option to make your ebook free by default, so you have to request that they make it free, and it doesn’t always work. I don’t have the time or energy for Pale Blue Scratch Ebook Now Free

Links of Possible Relevance, Part 24

Warning: lots of music here. Spotify Sucks It does. Just let me hear the song, dude. Fleshkiller – Parallel Kingdom (Official Lyric Video) This is a welcome change to a lot of the Christian metal that’s been coming out lately. 70000TONS OF METAL – The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise This looks like a fun Links of Possible Relevance, Part 24

Pale Blue Scratch Still Available For Free

There’s four hours left to download Pale Blue Scratch for free, over at Amazon. Hooyeah… Unless I get a lot more downloads today, it peaked on the Amazon charts at #593 for mystery, and #29 for steampunk. Being a no-name, I’ll take it. Giveaway over! It will return soon, though.

Download My New Book for Free

Pale Blue Scratch is available on Amazon for free…right now. Go get it! Edit: This applies to the ebook version only. Whew. Giveaway is over, but it will happen again soon…

Graham Got Scratched!

Graham, aka: Azure Ides-Grey, bought Pale Blue Scratch and sent in some glorious photos. Since he sent in two photos, I get to plug his two blogs: the hesitant telos and The Christian Philosophy Cafetorium. Send in a photo of you with a copy of the book (paperback or ebook version), and I’ll post it Graham Got Scratched!

More Ways to Buy Pale Blue Scratch

I’ve added a few more online outlets where you can buy Pale Blue Scratch. I’m working on getting it on Smashwords now, too. Please enjoy responsibly.

Goodreads Giveaway for Pale Blue Scratch

The Goodreads giveaway for Pale Blue Scratch is now a go. Look to the right, or down below if you’re on mobile, so read about it and enter, or just click here to enter. Go for it! Giveaway is over, and the winners have been selected. Thanks for checking it out.

The Electric Universe

I came across a lot of alt-physics theories when writing Pale Blue Scratch, since technology played a large role in the plot, and the Tesla/Edison period was a good fit for the time period and history. I recently rediscovered one of the first sites I had explored to get a feel for all of this: The Electric Universe

A Partial Review of Pale Blue Scratch

I received this review of Pale Blue Scratch via email (beware…partial spoilers ahoy): So far enjoying this mysterious, exotic journey and love the relationship between the two main characters. REALLY appreciate the fact that you chose to make the main protagonist a strong, smart, independent woman… the equivalent of an undercover female ninja warrior/secret agent, A Partial Review of Pale Blue Scratch