Links of Possible Relevance, Part 29

Jay DiNitto – LinkedIn Profile
Don’t click that link—it’s broken. I took my deleted my profile since I saw no point in it.

“Old Life In Your Way stuff” YouTube playlist
I uploaded a bunch of old material from my old band, with varying production quality. The videos I play on are the “Skies Broke Open” one and The Heart and Flesh Cry Out EP. My wife and I also do the claps on the last song on their 2006 demo, but that isn’t an official track.

Expert: Don’t wait until AC unit breaks
Thanks to Graham for the link. Even professional philosophers need proper UX design.

SUPERVERSIVE: The Missed Opportunity of “Jessica Jones”
Why Death Note takes the cake in the cat and mouse crime genre face-off vs. Jessica Jones.

Free State explains R40m website
38 websites that cost about 40 million Rands ($2.8 million). I could do it for half that amount in the same time; they are all WordPress-based. Little to no backend coding needed.

Masayoshi Son, CEO of SoftBank: Robots will have an IQ of 10,000
I get what he’s saying, but I don’t think IQ tests really measure that high. After, I don’t know, a 200 IQ or so, does it really matter how high it is?

Anti-togetherness: The Virtues of Disunity
“On ideological grounds we imagine a world that cannot exist, and try to move into it. When it doesn’t work, we try to force it.”

Wigle Tasting Room
I walk by this place often on the way to work. Lord help us if this is the new bourgeois hipster trend; whiskey is fermented garbage juice. But I also like black bitter coffee that will grow hair on a baby’s backside.

An Islamic “Reformation”? – Pseudo History meets Politics
Current status: satisfied that the snobbery of moderns in thinking we are the “greatest because we’re the latest” is an actual fallacy—The Whig Fallacy. Sometimes I think Victorianism is worse than the Enlightenment as far as intellectual eras.

Hipster Miyazaki Hated Weinstein Before It Was Popular
“Miyazaki sent him a samurai sword in the post. Attached to the blade was a stark message: ‘No cuts.'”


  • Ed Hurst says:

    It really doesn’t much matter what IQ officially means in this context; it boils down to how quickly you learn new stuff, and how you retain it. Older people have a much larger matrix of understanding, so they have more ways to associate new info with existing memory. Being able to develop a matrix of association quickly is associated with a higher IQ. At age 40 I went back to school and kept a 4.0 average simply because I’m relatively bright and was twice the age of the other students. I could process more and better due to my age and work ethic; other older students did rather well with frankly lower IQs. So computers will appear to have a high IQ if they come pre-programmed with sufficient existing learning capacity. But anything beyond 140 is mostly meaningless, because the whole concept in recent decades is used to evaluate those below the average. The current scale is pretty much broken for anything beyond 140.

    • Jay DiNitto says:

      Good insight, Ed. Computer I think can have higher IQs, but not at every task. They would have to be specifically programmed to “learn” through a series of specializations. Tasks in meatworld are too varied for a computer to learn to be an expert in them all.

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