Monoculture and Diversity

Ed has a great post (mirrored on on modern Western diversity schema, which reminded me of what I was trying to say here, but from a different perspective and vocabulary. I left a comment there, the bulk of which is copied below (added numbers for clarity*):

1. The world is diverse (given, self-evident)
2. People self-segregate (given, self-evident)
3. The kind of diversity people commonly refer to is a personal preference, not a moral imperative
4. Diversity within a physical space is a contradiction, since the diversity has to be subsumed under one culture-type. It literally cannot happen, despite there being some theoretical logic behind it.
5. Diversity cannot be planned or bureaucratized effectively, since people and groups of people prioritize their personal preferences in lots of internal ways that can’t be quantified
6. Bureaucratized diversity preferences = enforced monoculture of law, since all subsumed cultures would have to share the law in common with each other. It’s actually the opposite of diversity (see the fourth point above)
7. Bureaucratized diversity preferences will lead to unfortunate blowback. It’s a law of human behavior. Keep in mind that diversity preferences not only include forced integration but forced segregation as well. Blowback can occur when two cultures that want to diversify themselves are restricted from doing so.

* This isn’t a logical proof; the statements don’t necessarily build upon previous ones.


  • “3. The kind of diversity people commonly refer to is a personal preference, not a moral imperative”

    Not trying to be snarky with either of the questions below, but I’m curious how you’d respond, as I’m trying to ascertain a more complete picture of what you’re positing here. The questions remain questions and are not arguments, both by logical standards and personal intentions.

    What do you think ‘diversity’ means as a common term? Is it truly only a preference, from a Christian perspective, in relation to scripture like Romans 10?

    • Jay says:

      “What do you think ‘diversity’ means as a common term?”

      The way most people use it nowadays, it probably means ethnic and/or gender diversity, particularly in areas that have been traditionally male or white. I have read of some areas where more men are wanted, but those are common…and it’s usually for things that aren’t glamorous (housework, for example).

      Not sure what you mean re: Romans 10. Care to be specific? I, also, am not trying to be snarky with that question. I’m not good at snark anyways 🙂

  • Thanks for elaborating on that definition. 🙂

    I was thinking of Romans 10:12 – “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him…” And maybe I’ll throw in Exodus 22:21 – “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.”

    Those are a couple of verses that come to mind that I think someone could use to make the argument that, from a Christian perspective, diversity is a moral imperative.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      You cite a popular viewpoint among Western Christians, Azure. But I’ll challenge it based on context. Jews and Gentiles are one only in Christ. Judaism is not OT religion, but a sharp departure from it, arising chiefly from exposure to Hellenism. And the business of mistreating foreigners had specific meaning in the Covenant context. It was wrong for the Hyksos to enslave Israel just because the latter were guests in Egypt. But both of them would have abhorred the idea of mixing much in daily life. The Law of Moses forbade dining with Gentiles, so mixing had distinct limits. Diversity in Christ is a matter of calling and mission; there has to be a shared confession in there somewhere or you can’t work well together.

    • Jay says:

      I agree with Ed’s comment, but I will respond in another post. Ed and I write very differently, though we might agree on a lot.

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