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Long-Running HTML 4.0 Websites

Even though HTML 4.0 specs were released after these sites were published, they still could be called HTML 4.0-era sites simply because it was the longest-running version of HTML before HTML 5 came around. The coding conventions, as well as the general aesthetic and subject matter, are often associated referred to using the 4.0 descriptor, Long-Running HTML 4.0 Websites

Página de Índice Estático

That title says “Static Index Page” in Spanish, in honor of it being the Day of the Dead, of Jill getting her blog back up, and of me starting to read her new book. She often posts Mexican music and language, and is Catholic, so it seems like all of these things are related. The Página de Índice Estático

Recipe: Keto-Paleo Stuffing Rice

I stole this from a horrible recipe blog—again, one with so many ads that it crashed both Chrome and Firefox for me. It was actually a fritter recipe, but I had tried it a few times as such, but they end up being too delicate. You really need gluten to make it bind like they Recipe: Keto-Paleo Stuffing Rice

Recipe: Paleo Vegan Energy Spheres

Similar to the Primal Energy Bites that I posted a while back, though these ones have a different feel to them. I’d post the original recipe, but as all recipe sites go, there’s way too many ads and scripts running on the page; I don’t want to subject you to that. It crashes my mobile Recipe: Paleo Vegan Energy Spheres

Blog About UX Has Really Bad UX

I recently subscribed to a bunch of blogs that deal with UX trends and best practices. One of those blogs is one on the Mockplus product site, which is a prototyping tool for web apps. Normally I access my subscriptions on my phone, through the Feedly app. 90% of the those times, I don’t hit Blog About UX Has Really Bad UX