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Isaac Asimov

The Robot Revolution Would Have Already Happened By Now, And It Wouldn’t Happen Anyway

…Because computers would be the ones revolting. Computers aren’t much different than robots, fundamentally: they gather input, process it, and “do something” as an output. This final output, in the computer’s situation, is really just making pixels light up in a certain way on a monitor, whereas robots typically output by moving in three-dimensional space. The Robot Revolution Would Have Already Happened By Now, And It Wouldn’t Happen Anyway

An Inexhaustive, Scatterbrained Post on Atheism and Science Fiction

I’ve thought before that, sociologically speaking, people look to attribute God’s qualities to other phenomena, like the universe, politics, aesthetics/art, or science. People much smarter than me have undoubtedly come across this before, like Voltaire when he said that if God didn’t exist it would be necessary to invent him. I like that quote because An Inexhaustive, Scatterbrained Post on Atheism and Science Fiction