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Jodie Foster

Sci-fi and Fantasy Movies and Series Reviews, Part 40

The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) Two brothers, fledgling plumbers from Brooklyn, are transported to a world where a giant fire-breathing turtle aims to take over the neighboring kingdoms. This could’ve been really bad—worse than the universally-hated 1993 abomination—but thankfully all those involved with writing this did what was expected of them. Some awkward dialog Sci-fi and Fantasy Movies and Series Reviews, Part 40

Hella Book Reviews, Part 1

Some book reviews I’ve left on Goodreads. Kim I’m sure this is an excellent book, if I could understand it. Kipling stuffs it to the gills with so much colloquialisms and British-Indian cultural in-jokes that I may as well be reading Greek upside down and from the back. Much of the humor and significance is Hella Book Reviews, Part 1