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The Call of the Solstice

There are unrelated songs that have been brought to my attention as of late, which are unrelated except for similar experiences when I first listened to them. The first is the title theme of Solstice, the buff wizard 3D-ish puzzle game for the original Nintendo. I played this right when it came out, at 12 The Call of the Solstice

In Which I Bloviate About Melt-Banana

I first heard Melt-Banana when a fellow grocery store warm body lent me their Scratch or Stitch release. It held my interest for a few listens: an album full of layered ray gun guitar effects, fuzz bass pounding, ADHD drumming, insane cat-bark yipyap vocals, song titles bordering on Engrish hilarity. Something that was experimental but In Which I Bloviate About Melt-Banana