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Robert E. Howard

Sci-fi and Fantasy Movie and Series Reviews, Part 19

A.I.C.O. Incarnation A schoolgirl learns she’s not who she thinks she is, and it involves a quarantine zone that resulted from a berserk experiment to create artificial organisms. What’s with trained special forces soldiers who look like Teen Vogue models? At least some series’ lore would explain it away as cyborgs or trained-at-birth/crisis situation scenarios, Sci-fi and Fantasy Movie and Series Reviews, Part 19

Interview: Michael Bukowski

I first heard about Philadelphia-based artist Michael Bukowski when I came across his Yog-Blogsoth site, where he is doing his own visual interpretations of all the H.P. Lovecraft alien-gods. He also has a normal site (if you can call it normal) at, that addresses his other artistic explorations. In this here little interview you’ll Interview: Michael Bukowski