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Star Trek

Love Death + Robots, Volume 3 Review

This is ordered by ascending order of favorites. Kill Team Kill A platoon in Afghanistan fights a cybernetically-enhanced bear created by the CIA. It had its humorous moments, but far too gory and cartoonish, in the figurative sense, for me to get attached to this. Mason’s Rats An old farmer invests in some high-tech weaponry Love Death + Robots, Volume 3 Review

What Is God’s Moral Alignment?

If you’re a working stiff like me, you will have seen a printout of the moral alignment chart tacked up in the break room somewhere, assuming your co-workers have a base level of humor. The printouts feature characters from a fictional universe (I refuse to use the word “fandom”) and the characters’ perceived alignment. If What Is God’s Moral Alignment?

That Star Trek Wormhole Scene

I rewatched this movie recently, and I was reminded of when I first saw this scene when I was 10 years old or so. It was the late 80s and CGI effects weren’t what they are today, so this wasn’t too far off from the state of the art for the time (the film was That Star Trek Wormhole Scene