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How Paper Mario: The Origami King’s Story Could Have Been Better

Paper Mario: The Origami King is the sixth Paper Mario installment. Since the series’ games borrow heavily from role-playing conventions, there’s an logical narrative involved, contrasted with the thin “save the princess” plots of Mario’s side-scroller games. While the story for Origami King is good, even great at some points, there are times when it How Paper Mario: The Origami King’s Story Could Have Been Better

The Great Male Renunciation

Why: 1. haven’t I heard about this until now? 2. does this interest me so much? 3. does Wikipedia have a rinky-dink few sentences about it, when the article itself describes it as “a major turning point in the history of clothing?”

Addendum To Evolution Debate Post

See previous Nye/Ham post. Thinking on evolution different belief systems, I recall deciding (very tentatively) on “biblical evolution,” which is the theory of the existence of old earth and both micro- and macroevolution, but that humans were in some form (rimshot) directly created by God. In other words, it’s God-guided evolution, or standard-issue evolution with Addendum To Evolution Debate Post’s Proofs Against Theism

A Facebook friend linked to these recently. Most of them are satirical strawman proofs; no need to take them seriously, but some do point out actual weak arguments. There’s too many good ones to point out, but check out one of the Carl Sagan Dragon arguments, number 90: CARL SAGAN’S DRAGON IN MY GARAGE ARGUMENT’s Proofs Against Theism

Peter Ruckman Really Is Crazy

The guy who started the self-parodying and extensive, the website that documents Ruckman’s dislike for just about everything you can think of, for the flimsiest of reasons. But he also seems to have inside info about aliens and the American government* as well. It’s comforting, in a way, when someone is demonstrably crazy all Peter Ruckman Really Is Crazy

Hmm: Russell’s Teapot

I came across Russell’s teapot the other day, and I thought I had unearthed the source of the “evidence or GTFO” argumentation. But it seems that Russell only throw his skeptic torch on a strawman: If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun Hmm: Russell’s Teapot

Book Review: Pale Fire

Most people know of Nabokov from Lolita, a book bearing a title now synonymous with guileless jailbaiting teenage girls. Pale Fire was published after Lolita and hasn’t enjoyed its household word status, probably because it’s significantly more difficult to read and far less prurient. If you can successfully wade through his complicated narrative and strange Book Review: Pale Fire