The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge

"Do you has what it takes?"

“Do you has what it takes?”

I wonder why I’ve never heard about this until now.

The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge is offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF), which says it will pay out one million U.S. dollars to anyone who can demonstrate a supernatural or paranormal ability under agreed-upon scientific testing criteria.

I was actually getting ready to shoot a dose of “the test is rigged against itself, derp” in the this thing’s arm for trying to test metaphysical truths using the scientific method, until I read that opening paragraph. It’s actually quite accurate, since “paranormal abilities” means that the user can demonstrate some kind of observable/measurable power that doesn’t fit with how we know the universe to operate.

Quick mental homework result: wouldn’t the conclusions reached also fall under the problem of induction that normal scientific finding fall under? Another possible weakness of this test is that it assumes people who may hold agency over it. Someone might have an demonstrable ability that “chooses” when it appears and doesn’t—that stuff seems reserved for horror movies and Old Testament prophets. The former can’t be tested and the latter aren’t really around anymore.

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