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I Don’t Know What This Is, Part 5

Here’s a spoiler alert: zombies are tied to their lands, like feudal serfs in Medieval Europe. If their “lifeland” is doing well, they are going to be coming at you like strongmen. They draw energy from prosperous earth. A solution: drop every dead body far away from where they died so they will end up I Don’t Know What This Is, Part 5

Random Thoughts on the Syrian Diaspora Issue

1. “Refugee,” much like “slave,” used in this modern context, may be wildly different than mentions of “refugee” in some translations of the Bible. X doesn’t always mean x, especially when there’s a good few thousand years worth of linguistic, cultural, and technological differences. 2. Universal moral imperatives, especially for something so complex as this Random Thoughts on the Syrian Diaspora Issue

We Are All Something Agreeable Now

After raiding the newfound Language Log’s archive for a few minutes, I found this post, on the increasing usage of the “We are all x now” snowclone. Quoting from a Jeffrey Kluger article in Time: “This increasingly common trope has an easy, fill-in-the-blank quality to it that allows us to affect a bit of purloined We Are All Something Agreeable Now