Every Pastor That Has Whined About Gay Marriage Should Read This

From an over two year old post at The Futurist, emphasis mine:

Lastly, the religious ‘social conservatives’ who continue their empty sermonizing about the ‘sanctity of marriage’ while doing absolutely nothing about the divorce-incentivizing turn that the laws have taken, have been exposed for their pseudo-moral posturing and willful blindness. What they claim to be of utmost importance to them has been destroyed right under their noses, and they still are too dimwitted to comprehend why. No other interest group in America has been such a total failure at their own stated mission. To be duped into believing that a side-issue like ‘gay marriage’ is a mortal threat to traditional marriage, yet miss the legal changes that correlate to a rise in divorce rates by creating incentives for divorce (divorce being what destroys marriage, rather than a tiny number of gays), is about as egregious an oversight as an astronomer failing to be aware of the existence of the Moon. Aren’t conservatives the people who are supposed to grasp that incentives drive behavior? An article worthy of being written by The Onion could conceivably be titled ‘Social conservatives carefully seek to maintain perfect 100% record of failure in advancing their agenda’.

I have three ideas on why this is so in Western churches. One is that the majority of people in American churches are women, and pastors risk shepherding away the bulk of their congregation from an institution (the divorce racket institution) that overwhelmingly benefits them. The flip side of that, the second idea, is that—I’m going out on a limb here—there’s scant few gay people in these congregations, so pastors can blast away at will on the gay folks without risking social or economic capital.

The third reason is that the church, which for centuries bristled intensely against divorce, found herself unfashionably railing against what was becoming increasingly fashionable…this, after a few decades of intense socialization through media and education starting mid-20th century. Again, the risk of losing numbers, but this time both genders on Sunday morning.

Those of you who aren’t red pill-averse would do good to read that post a few times and take a week or so to process it. Even if you disagree with some of it, it could spark some uncomfortable revelations.

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