Open Letter to Superintendent John Pallone, New Kensington-Arnold School District

September 9, 2018

Dear Superintendent Pallone,

I realize the great weight you carry, both physically and bureaucratically, but that doesn’t justify talking to my wife in the manner you did, late Thursday morning, 9/6/2018 in front of Valley High School. My daughter and wife are new to the school and it safety protocols, and literally doing a drive-by verbal attack on someone you do not even know, then speeding away in the parking lot, as though that contributed to the safety of the situation, was not the way a human in authority should handle the situation.

A daughter exiting a building to meet her mother in a car is nowhere near a “security issue” in the real world, so there was very little way of my wife knowing instinctively that there was such an issue. Any violations of this manner should be taken up as a process discussion with the school staff, not the wife of someone who contributes to your corpulent salary.

I’m willing to look past the obvious nepotism that favors your perpetual re-election, despite such a poor job you do, and though I’m not privy to the proper budget strategies of a school district, I might suggest some of the that plump salary you feast upon could be diverted towards a better safety communications program for school parents. Better yet, why not toward a functioning HVAC system, to bring the building into the modern living standards? Someone of your generous stature would realize the health concerns of spending hours inside a hot building.

Jay DiNitto


  • Ed Hurst says:

    One of the most disturbing revelations when I first began working in public education was how it bred a thousand petty entitled tyrants. I’m really wondering if there is any hope the current uprising against globalists will ever see them pushed out of education. From where I stand now, it would take a miracle.

    • Jay says:

      It’s pretty unbelievable, but I’ve come to expect it. I had a prof in college who always regaled us with his run ins with Board of Higher Ed goofballs. Granted we only heard his side of the story but there’s lots of paranoia and and backstabbing (goes hand in hand I guess) within the bureaucrat level.

  • Joshua says:

    Don’t forget, this author cut his teeth in the firey metalcore scene of New England. Brutality may erupt at any given moment.

  • Jay DiNitto says:

    Josh! What’s up, my friend? The blubbery coward probably wouldn’t have tried if he saw a man in the car.

  • Linda says:

    As a interested citizen and a supporter of school unions, I would appreciate a response regarding the small pay scale of the teachers and why the union has not stood strong and supported their members? I have several friends in this profession that loves their students and want to continue teaching. I could not understand WHY the teacher uses their personal money to buy needed items for their students ? The students( I thought) were part of the Roy A. Hunt elementary school. I heard the students STEAL from the teachers desk. OUTRAGEOUS ! Maybe these fund should come from john Pallone ‘s wages. I also am concerned about the safety of the building (mold and extreme heat/cold ) they are exposed to. Small ticket items that should be corrected or pay out compensations?

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