The Return of the Blog

Not my blog, but blogs in general. From a post by an old friend:

That’s why I think it can return to the slow and steady blog world, when we realize we don’t need to consume 1000s of bits of content every day to feel full. Open up our bookmarks, or type a URL into the address bar, read a few sites and then go read a book, knit a sweater, or maybe a good meal.

Information noise abounds, and it’s too easy to consume it. Apps and websites are specifically designed to jack into that part of your brain to keep the consumption stream flowing. I know this very well; it’s literally my day job to figure out what users want and design it for them. Blogging can be more thoughtful and intimate. It’s still broadcast to the world like an Instagram photo, but the potential of the medium has a wider range of applications. Blogging will survive because there will always be a search for “something more.”