A List of Movies I Refuse to Watch

Don’t take this seriously; I’m just having some fun in an “unreasonable jerk” kind way, here. Most of these were inspired from IMDB’s top list, but their popularity isn’t necessarily why I won’t watch them (there’s a number of movies I do like that are on that list). These movies listed I hear/read too much about, and some of them specifically because they are recommended as “gotta see” movies.

The Big Lebowski

V for Vendetta
I did actually see part of this, but stopped. I felt like it was trying too hard to be edgy.

Django Unchained, 12 Years a Slave, The Help
White guilt redemption arcs don’t interest me. Neither do slavery revenge p0rn and oppression p0rn. I don’t know if these movies have either of those elements, but I’m being prejudicial.

I did see part of this as well, but it required too much effort to follow without a perceived equal ROI.

Donnie Darko
Someone (probably) being tortured by an unseen antagonist? NOPE x 100. Bunnies? Okay, buddy.

Kill Bill, Vol. 1, Kill Bill, Vol. 2
I’m already refusing to see Kill Bill, Vol. 3 when it comes out.

The Boondock Saints

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
This actually looks like something I would like, but nah.

Reservoir Dogs

The Usual Suspects

Shaun of the Dead, Army of Darkness
I put these two together because they are comedy horror films, and NOPE.

Any Monty Python movie

A film full of British druggies? C’mahn.

Any Harry Potter movie
I would sooner read the books, which I also have no desire to do.

I see this referenced all the time, so this is the strongest NOPE in the list.

Saw or any sequels

I already know how it goes.

The Blair Witch Project

Clerks or any Jay and Silent Bob film
You’re kidding me, right?


  • Graham Wall says:

    But would you rather watch one of these or a TED Talk? 😉

  • Rob M. says:

    Regarding the third group of items in the list, I’m guessing you mean to say that because you understand or are already aware of the horrific treatment and history of blacks in the U.S., you’d prefer not to experience an interpretation of those horrors on film. “Slavery revenge porn” and “oppression porn” are stupid denominations, Jay. 😛

    • Jay says:

      I stand by my labels. Despite massive cultural insistence otherwise, I simply have no interest in the topic.

      • Rob M. says:

        Not having interest in the topic is a bit different (and more interesting) than your skewed, overgeneralized, probably facetious labels. Do you simply lack interest in the events, are ignorant of the events, lack recognition of events, or do you think such films exploit the events to intentionally educe shame and guilt such that it imposes responsibility onto you for being a white male? Perhaps it’s a little of all.

        • Jay says:

          The reasons why aren’t even of interest to me. Like most people, by default I don’t account for my disinterest in a subject.

  • Rob M. says:

    Right, but your disinterest rests solely on preassigned labels. Thus, your disinterest shouldn’t be the subject of investigation. Rather, it’s more pertinent to question why you carry those potentially misinformed presuppositions or why you’ve assigned those labels in the first place.

    It sounds like you feel the subject matter is being forced upon you, so your subsequent reaction is a state of indifference (which is deeper than and altogether different from disinterest).

  • Rob M. says:

    So it’s not indifference. Alright, we’re getting somewhere. If we can pare down the other ~46k possible choices, then we’ll be golden.

  • Jay says:

    Note for readers: Rob M. has been banned from commenting. I don’t tolerate (well, maybe for a little bit) mommying for possible wrongthink.

  • Epimetheus says:

    Donnie Darko is an incredible movie. I’ve never seen anything like it.

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