Video: The CIA On Time Travel And The Holographic Reality – The Gateway Process

Interesting, if only for story fodder, which is in the works on my end. The Gateway Process and the Monroe Institute stuff has gotten a lot of attention recently because of all the holographic universe bejabbering, the popularity of MMPORGs and litRPG with the youngins, The Matrix, and all the official attention on UFO phenomenon. What else might get FOIA’ed, declassed, and picked apart?

I don’t really confirm or deny any of this, but I don’t think it’s quite “ultimate reality.” That stuff can only be apprehended outside of material reasoning and experience. If the Gateway Process is legitimate, then what’s discovered through it is just another level of the perishable material universe, albeit a fascinating level.

This research was likely tied to MKUltra and makes all that shady-to-downright-evil stuff that went on, or a part of a larger effort at the federal level to figure out how to really mess with people’s heads. I’m going with the latter; whenever you hear of hidden things being revealed, it’s a safe bet that there’s a lot more going on that remains hidden.

Thankfully, Brian Scott in the video doesn’t blather on with commentary. Most of the video is just a reading of the declassified document. Here’s the actual page with the document text, on the CIA website. The rendered text is virtually unreadable without the paragraph breaks and ugly font for reading (GT America). The PDF is much more readable, with proper line breaks and glorious Courier fonts.


  • Ed Hurst says:

    I’m familiar with some of this, but I found the Mr. Scott’s voice and enunciation painfully slow to my ears. My mind was racing too fast for his slow speaking cadence and I found it very annoying. Also, he used jargon in his introduction that is too ambiguous, sometimes seeming to say nothing at all. I’ll try to read the documents myself.

    The other issue is that heart-led consciousness is altogether separate from this stuff. It all strikes me as typical human efforts to bypass what God has decreed. There’s bits and pieces of stuff I recognize with my heart, but there’s also a very sinister effort to undermine faith.

  • Ed Hurst says:

    I note that page 25 from the packet is missing in both the website version and the PDF.

    It seems to me this might require more of a response than I could put into a comment form here.

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