A Jet-Powered Leaf Blower and Keanu Reeves

Though these are recently published, it’s these kinds of videos that made YouTube a goldmine of interesting things. Now the most popular videos are loud and obnoxious political or pop-culture commentators, reaction videos, and mostly-miss-sometimes hit TEDx Talks. Then advertising happened and all grifters stormed in.

A guy made a leaf blower from a miniature jet engine. His grin at 2:13 is the telltale expression of a man who knows his ridiculous idea worked, although it seems like the thing was a few seconds from throwing him back a few yards.

Keanu Reeves doing firearms training for one of the John Wick movies. I don’t know anything about this stuff but it seems like he knows what he’s doing, mostly because he’s making it look easy. He’s not a great actor in the classical sense from what I can tell, but he does get deep into the physical aspect, and he can fit into a very narrow range of characters very well. He seems like an decent person, but he’s an A+++ Hollywood actor with access to anything he wants, so who knows what kind of degenerate garbage he’s into.

I was wondering what was with the showgirls behind him, but the video is from a firearms manufacturer and they are there to look good and hype their products.


  • Ed Hurst says:

    The first clip reminds me of several YouTube regulars that do nothing else than construct the most ridiculous stuff and make it work in some fashion. Colin Furze comes to mind, but there’s also the Slo-Mo Guys and others.

    In the second clip, Reeves is actually trying to hit targets, not look cool. From what I’ve seen and read about his John Wick movies, he trains with real combat veterans and martial arts pros. The whole point was to make him as much like a real commando without taking the risks of actual combat. And in his line of work, better looking babes are a dime-a-dozen.

    • Jay DiNitto says:

      One of the only “pro” youtubers that I sort of cared about in terms of weird gadgets was fpsrussia, but I heard some of his stuff was CGI. Fruze and SloMo guys are okay but their personalities kind of grate on me.

      I noticed at the very end of Reeves’ run, there was a small white panel he hit right near the purple target’s “head,” and it swing to the other side of its head. He aimed and fired that shot fairly quickly, too. Pretty impressive.

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