A Most Holy Update

Today marks the halfway point of my “read the entire Bible” marathon. I’m actually a few days over because I don’t plan on taking the two grace days that act as a break from reading. Why in the world someone would need a day off from something as non-strenuous as reading is beyond me. People just need different avenues to express their sissiness and I suppose the act of reading provides the least resistance.

The halfway point is in the book of Proverbs. A few things I’ve learned, or had reaffirmed, or been reminded of, so far:

  1. God was concerned with Israel’s dietary habits and things they touch.
  2. God was into destroying entire swaths of people with a scorched earth policy.
  3. God was a brilliant military strategist.
  4. God placed great weight on seemingly inconsequential things.
  5. The Jews were into numbers, keeping track of who came from who, and having plenty of wives and children.
  6. Job and David complained a lot.
  7. God was into reminding how terrible the Jews were in keeping their end of the bargain.
  8. God wasn’t too keen on governments (can you blame Him?)
  9. Everyone so far, even the good guys, has been an awful human being at some point.
  10. A whole lot of context for all of the above is needed to understand the whole picture.


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