Gittip On Horvath

Chad Whitacre at Gittip posted about Julie Ann Horvath’s departure from GitHub*, and he invokes, with all the richness of proper proggy vocabulary, the secularized original sin so beloved by wealthy, white, leftoid man-dorks:

Speaking personally as someone who ticks all the standard boxes of privilege (straight white male, etc.), knowing that my conversations and interactions are public helps me pay more attention to what I’m saying and doing. Why do I want to pay attention to my words and behavior? Not, I hope, out of fear of reprisal (whether in court or on social media). I want to avoid bullying and harassing others out of love. I want my avoidance of harassment to be a byproduct of my pursuit of positive relationships with everyone I interact with.

At some point in the past the tech industry, as I understood it, was free from the infection of socio-sexual identity politics, gender quotas, and other such HR-saturated, meta-labor nonsense.

Gittip is a neat concept but individuals and organizations who begin to tap their foot to the wretched rhythms of the leftoid secular-religious drumbeat will eventually full-body dance to it. And the music doesn’t end.

* I don’t know if Horvath was actually harassed in the leftoid sense of the word, and I don’t care if she was.

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