Peter Ruckman Really Is Crazy

If you get this wrong, guess where you end up after you die?

If you get this wrong, guess where you end up after you die?

The guy who started the self-parodying and extensive, the website that documents Ruckman’s dislike for just about everything you can think of, for the flimsiest of reasons. But he also seems to have inside info about aliens and the American government* as well. It’s comforting, in a way, when someone is demonstrably crazy all around.

From Wikipedia:

He believes in Unidentified Flying Objects and aliens, specifically blue aliens with blue blood, black aliens with green blood, and gray aliens with clear blood. Ruckman believes the Central Intelligence Agency has implanted brain transmitters in children, old people, and African-Americans and that the agency operates underground alien breeding facilities.

* The American government sucks, for sure, but no politician, or even a group of them, is smart or organized enough to engineer such a ridiculous operation.


  • James Tucker says:

    What you should do is go to him personally and talk with him if you have a problem and stop hinding behind your website. He is 92 years old so you wont be too intimidated from the God and all other versions lies published by men to make money.

  • xi-ivinxgh says:

    I am a black aliens with green blood, and I can assure you that Peter is NOT crazy! (We do disagree on the “rock” thing, however)

  • xi-ivinxgh says:

    No, sorry. He is not one of us. He, point of fact, spends much of his time trying to get “cleared” of us.

  • Dr Peter Hill says:

    Not only is Ruckman crazy but so are his followers. As in the case Mr Tucker above, they immediately leap to the defence of Ruckman without ever dealing with the inanity of his comments. Does Mr Tucker really believe in alien blood-type diversity, or that the CIA is implanting brain transmitters in the heads of children? Is he prepared to defend such nonsense. And if he feels this blog posting is too harsh, then perhaps he might apply the same standard to Ruckman’s numerous published rants against godly men, particularly biblical scholars, with whom he happens to disagree. With all the sophistication of a schoolyard bully he piles scorn and derogatory comments on some of the finest Christian people of the last fifty years. But nowhere do we see the Ruckmanites saying, “Hey ‘Doc’ don’t do that – it detracts from the cause of Christ”. Rather, without fail, they excuse his false teaching and character assassinations. Why, because they have been allured by the seeming magisterial style of Ruckman’s teaching. But Ruckmanism is not Christianity – in fact the Lord Jesus seems present only in caricature. In the final analysis, for all his appeal to the Bible, Peter Ruckman gives us what amounts to just one cranky old man’s idiosyncratic, and frequently crazy, substitute for historical Christianity and true communion with the Triune God.

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