Links of Possible Relevance, Part 38

Saker® Profile Gauge with Lock
This looks like an ingenious tool that I will I had thought of.

This Is How The Way You Read Impacts Your Memory And Productivity
For some reason, we read complex information on physical paper slower than digital mediums, but we retain it better.

How Instagram influencers can fake their way to online fame
Everything you see on social media is fake to one degree or another. If you’re a celebrity outside of social media, or you’re famous because of your social media, it’s nearly 100% faked.

Jewish doctor tweets out story of his diverse team having to treat a neo-Nazi COVID-19 patient
I should start making up stories to get attention for meeting the basics of my job as described.

Greta Thunberg sparks criminal conspiracy probe in India with accidental tweet
Things are extra-extra fake when you see unlikely people suddenly rise in popularity and media exposure. A general rule is that whenever you see a young person being relentlessly promoted across the board by international news, someone wants you to believe something, and it’s probably a load of garbage.

Video of Philadelphia snow shovel shooting earlier this month.
Graphic video, of sorts, even though this really doesn’t pass the smell (ear) test with me. Here’s why: the shooter uses two different guns and they sound exactly the same…and they sound like Hollywood gunshots. And the couple don’t react at all when the shooter fires off the warning shots. There’s also the issue of no recoil, but that might be because of the atrocious framerate.

Woman films daily aerobic class while a coup in Myanmar occurs behind her.
This doesn’t look faked to me, however. If it were, there’d be a lot more dramatic “coup-y” things going on behind her: gunfire, explosions, obvious arrests and shouting etc.

How an Amazon Self-Published Book May Be the Latest Money Laundering Scam
Well, of course, but this just means that traditional publishers have been using book to launder money for a long time now. Plebs like me who finally have access to the means of production just means we can do that same thing elite nerds do.

Male Celebrity Body Transformations: The Deeper Problem
Male celebrity bodies are fake, too. Well, I should say “enhanced.” When there so much money involved with filmmaking, you can hire teams of doctors and lawyers to make sure actors look the way they are supposed to.

Six Uncanny Depictions of UFOs in European Art
I guess, technically, if they are flying or in the air, and we’re not really sure what they are, then they are UFOs. Whether that means alien spaceships isn’t certain, but they probably aren’t alien spaceships. Look at the chain of interpretations here: 21st century moderns, trying to figure out what pre-modern artists from fairly different cultures meant by a depiction of events written down by Bronze age desert nomads from a vastly different cultural outlook. How accurate is it really going to be?


  • Ed Hurst says:

    There are other tools that do the thing as the Saker, but I don’t recall any with locks. Greta is 100% an artificial media creation who isn’t half as sharp as portrayed. The shovel shooting video has fake sound; gunfire with bullets never sounds like that. And the woman on the ground is clearly uninjured when compared to the shots she allegedly took, a very poor actress. And for male body transformations: People alive today can remember when nobody cared about such things, admiring men on wholly different standards. This is just a flash in the pan, historically.

    • Jay DiNitto says:

      I really strained to see if there was any blood from her gunshot, but I didn’t see any. I can see maybe there not being a spatter because of the heavy winter clothing, but I couldn’t see any on the ground even after she was shot. I mean, there was plenty of time for blood to leak out, right? The low res quality doesn’t help things, either.

  • Graham says:

    The fact that I own a steampunk novel was brought up in a recent dinner conversation. Good book that “Pale Blue Scratch” is!

  • Jill says:

    Oh my gosh, these are great links. Where should I start? That was a rhetorical question.

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